Right-of-Way Trees

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Trees provide many benefits to the community, and the City of St. Joseph has invested much time and energy into allowing trees to grow to full maturity.  Some examples of these benefits are absorbing storm water, cleaning the air of pollutants, shading the streets, providing a buffer to cars, increasing real estate values and lowering utility bills.  There are many new approaches to incorporating trees into pedestrian walkways and still provide a safe experience.

The Parks & Cemetery Division is responsible for the management of the City of St. Joseph street/right-of-way (ROW) and public property tree population. Primary responsibilities include the removal of trees that pose a risk to people or personal property, the pruning of trees for clearance and to promote aesthetics, and the planting of young trees to replace those that were in need of removal.

No unauthorized treatment, trimming or removal of a City right-of-way tree by residents or contractors is permitted without written approval by the City of St. Joseph.  Residents that would like to request a trim or removal of a street tree may submit the online request form found here, or that would like to request the new planting of a street tree may submit the online request found here.  They may also contact the Department of Public Works directly at 269-983-6341.