Water Service Line Point-of-Entry

In 2018, the State of Michigan made significant changes to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) which specifies a replacement timeline and a material inventory requirement.

Part of this inventory requirement gathering information on the privately owned portion of water services throughout the city. As part of that effort, the city has been undertaking Point-of-Entry (POE) Inspections. These inspections are completed at the point where the water service enters the building.  As part of this monumental endeavor, the city is opening up a survey to residents and asking for your help. This survey will allow for residents to submit their own water service inspection that will be incorporated into the city's Distribution System Material Inventory (DSMI).

The survey can be found HERE. 

A short video to help locate your water line and help identify common pipe materials can be found below.


If you prefer to have City staff perform the inspection please reach out the City's Point-of-Entry Inspector, Tom Miller, at tmiller@sjcity.com or at 269-932-8801 to schedule an inspection.