Crime Prevention & School Safety - High School Programs

St. Joseph city currently offers several safety programs geared toward high school children.

Drug Identification:

This program is used to show actual drugs and paraphernalia used in conjunction with drugs, controlled substance laws and the effects of some drugs are also discussed.

The idea behind this program is to show students how to identify certain drugs along with paraphernalia so they can make better choices. This program can also be used for parents groups.

Drug and Alcohol Program:

The Drug and Alcohol Program is one that promotes a healthy lifestyle and teaches students to combat peer and media pressure to use drugs and alcohol.


This program is designed to make students aware of the laws governing larceny and shoplifting. The students are also taught about the possible ramifications of their actions.

Student CrimeStoppers:

Student CrimeStoppers is a program designed for middle school and high school students. When a crime has occurred, or may occur, on school property a student with information about the crime can call CrimeStoppers and leave the information anonymously. The student that leaves the tip may qualify for a cash reward.

Government Classes:

The High School Liaison Officer acts as a guest instructor before all the 9th grade Government classes and gives real life examples of how the constitution and amendments to the constitution effect not only how a public safety officer can do his/her job but the lives of students as well.

Driver Education:

A Public Safety Officer will act as a guest lecturer for a driver education classroom day, topics covered include drinking and driving, how to react as a driver to emergency vehicles, the proper response and paperwork needed during a traffic stop and the importance of wearing seat belts and child restraint seats.

If you have any questions about these topics, please contact the City and we will be glad to help you.