Housing Commission

The St. Joseph Housing Commission was created in June 1964 by the City Commission.  Chapter 41 of the Code Ordinance provides general information.  The purpose of the Housing Commission includes:

  1. To oversee the operation of Lake View Terrace High Rise, which opened in April 1969.
  2. To provide a safe and secure quality of life for our elderly and handicapped residents in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.
  3. To establish rental fees.
  4. The Commission also mirrors the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s mission to promote adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity, and a suitable living environment free from discrimination.


The St. Joseph Housing Commission is made up of five members who are appointed by the mayor with approval of the City Commission. One member must be a resident of Lake View Terrace.  Members serve a five-year term.  The St. Joseph Housing Commission hires and supervises the Executive Director.